Thursday, May 12, 2005

Garden progress

Well, just wanted to write real quick about my garden progress. We planted seeds in some used seedling containers that our orginal plants came in. Just wanted to mark the date for timing the germination and appearance of plants: Thursday, May 12, 2005, about 9:30 AM central.

So much to talk about, but too late tonight. Making excellent progress on simple living program. Must be patient.

May 18, 2005

Some of the plants are coming up already. A lot of the tiny spinach plants (obvious we will have to thin each container heavily!), 5 corn plants, one watermellon. In the big mixed salad conatiners, our baby lab dug in one of them, completely destroying it. We replanted tonight. But, that's not so bad. This will stagger the growing periods of the two salad planters!

Tomorrow, we start new seedlings to go into the square foot gardens. These were two old recycle bins, filled with a mix of ingredients similar to what were recommended, but not exact. Replaced vermiculate with humus. Store was out! We'll see how it does. I'm not sure I am all that exceited about it, though. You have to buy the verm and the peat moss. I think I will prefer ingrediants you can creat yourself.


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